Pacific Naturopathic - Mountain View, California
Natural Health Articles by Drs. Connie and Marcel Hernandez

FLU Shots: What you should know...

Navy seaman getting his flu shotIt’s that time of the year again, which means Dr. Marcel will give his annual perspective on flu shots. No, my perspective hasn’t changes since last year.

Flu season is the time of year when the media and the government excite and terrorize the public into complete panic mode with headlines like "Vaccine Shortage Spawns Public Health Crisis," and warns us to get ours before the vaccine supply is gone.

The flu vaccine is especially recommended for people ages 65 and older and to those with serious medical conditions that could quickly worsen as a result of serious complications from the flu.

What isn’t reported in the newscasts is potential dangers of the flu vaccine, particularly among the elderly. Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, one of the world's leading immunogeneticists, states the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease is 10 times higher if an individual has five consecutive shots than if they have one, two or no shots. This is likely due to the mercury-derived preservative and aluminum content of the vaccine.

Also not reported is that the flu vaccine can actually weaken the immune system and make you more predisposed to the illness. In fact, many people come down with the flu shortly after receiving the shot.

But that’s not all. Each year, a new Vaccine is developed that contains three different viruses (one influenza B and two influenza A strains). CDC officials select the new viruses based on which viruses were prevalent during the flu season in China and Australia the previous year! The CDC admits that the viruses selected for the new vaccine are chosen on the basis of an “educated guess.” So there are no guarantees that the influenza viruses selected for the vaccine will be the identical strains circulating during a given flu season.

After cogitating on the paragraph above, think on this: If the flu shot is safe and effective, why is it that in 1997 the Associated Press reported that about 70 percent of doctors and nurses do NOT get annual flu shots?

If you choose to not receive the flu shot, discuss the options with your doctor. However, some simple quite effective things you can do for yourself to prevent the flu include and limit its symptoms if you do get it:

  1. avoid white sugar and refined carbohydrates, which severely undermine your immune system:
  2. exercise regularly to stimulate the circulation of virus-fighting white blood cells;
  3. get adequate sleep;
  4. eat a healthy diet (a visit with one of the naturopathic doctors in our office can help you define this);
  5. drink plenty of purified water daily (water is the number one solvent to remove toxins from the body),
  6. wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face,
  7. take supplements that strengthen the immune system.

We are so used to taking medications—for prevention and treatment—that it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu.

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