Pacific Naturopathic - Mountain View, California
Natural Health Articles by Drs. Connie and Marcel Hernandez

Vibratory Healing

“There are many kinds of healing, each of which can be used in healing physical, mental, or Spiritual diseases. Of the different kinds of healing by medicine, injection, affirmation, massage, nerve or vertebrae adjustment, by imagination or will or faith, Vibratory Healing is of the greatest importance. Vibratory Healing consists in creating and sending vibrations to diseased individuals, internally by energy charged by will power, or externally by superconsciously impregnated chants, intonations of the human voice, and enlivening words, phrases, and affirmations.”
From the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
                                                 in Divine Will Healing, page 66

Recently having been invited to teach a class on vibrational medicine, I found myself baffled as I tried to sort out what it was that I was to be talking about. Just what is vibrational medicine? As Einstein so famously made clear in his E=mc2 equation, energy and matter are expressions of the same substance. And that “all that is” substance is characterized by vibration, whether it be of the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body, or the causal body.

Generally, when one speaks of vibrational medicine, the emphasis is on techniques and modalities that discern or impact our multidimensional anatomy at a subtle energy level, subtle implying higher frequency, or that which can not be seen. As technology progresses, the distinctions blur, both in diagnosis and in treatment. And so we have, in conventional medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, and electro and laser therapies. In our own clinic, we have the Quantum Xxroid machine, a device which reads and balances the energy flows in the organs and meridians of the body, and which assesses the vibrational resonance of nutrients and other substances with the body in question.

In naturopathic medicine, when we speak of vibrational medicine, we are making a distinction between the usage, on the one hand, of pharmacological doses of substances for physiological responses, as in synthetic drug therapy and in the orthomolecular use of nutrients or the megadosing of botanical medicines, and, on the other hand, the use of energy medicines such as homeopathy, flower essences, gem elixirs, chromotherapy (healing with color), light therapy, acupuncture, and hand healing.

Homeopathy is one of the most well known of these modalities. Homeopathic remedies are created by progressive dilution and shaking (“succussion” ) which result in medicines that maintain the subtle energetic qualities of the plant being used, while leaving not a single molecule of the original substance in the medicine. The medicine is prescribed by matching the frequency of the homeopathic medicine with the frequency of the illness of the patient. The physical and emotional concerns of the patient are matched to the symptom pattern that would be created by the plant in pharmacological dosing. The tiny doses of subtle energy patterning often result in transformative healing for the patient, a leaping of levels, rather than a progressive slogging through symptoms.

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