Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California

Meet our Doctors & Healers - Connnie Hernandez

Dr. Connie Hernandez, N.D. | Dr. Marcel Hernandez N.D. | Dr. Shanti Rubenstone M.D.
Benjamin Alter, N.D. | Brad Beldner | Jane Hernandez, CCHT

Connie Hernandez, N.D.Dr. Connie Hernandez N.D.
General Naturopathic Medicine, Women’s Health Care, Adjunctive Cancer Care, Flower Essence Therapy, Spiritual Counseling

Dr. Connie Hernandez graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle in 1991, with specialties in women's health care and counseling. With husband, Dr. Marcel Hernandez, she founded and coordinated the Brattleboro Naturopathic Clinic, in Brattleboro, Vermont. After several years of practice in Vermont, Dr. Connie and her family re-located to California, a climate Cuban born Dr. Marcel could tolerate better than those brutal Northeast winters. Drs. Connie and Marcel were active in the naturopathic licensing efforts in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, as well as California.

In California, Drs. Connie and Marcel founded and developed Pacific Naturopathic and the Natural Health Associates, now in its 16th year and second location. Dr. Connie sees chronic and acute patients of all ages, with any type of complaint, but has a particular emphasis on women's health care, peri-menopause, bio-identical hormones, adjunctive care for cancer patients, and spiritual counseling. She favors dietary and lifestyle change, nutritional supplementation, botanical medicine, flower essences and affirmation in her treatment protocols, and believes the deepest healing involves spiritual transformation. Dr. Connie is also a teacher of Ananda Healing.

Dr. Connie spends about one week every six weeks on the Big Island of Hawaii, where Drs. Connie and Marcel are developing the Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center, a one of a kind naturopathic healing retreat. There she balances her busy clinic life with visualizing the retreat, landscaping, gardening, and spending time with Dr. Marcel. She enjoys the balance of her Hawaii and California lives!

To Contact Dr. Connie:

Schedule with Dr. Connie in California by calling 650-961-1660 , or in Hawaii by calling 808-775-1505.

For information on the Pacific Naturopathic Healing Retreat Center, call the Hawaii office at 808-775-1505.  Or go to

Dr. Connie Hernandez, N.D. | Dr. Marcel Hernandez N.D. | Dr. Shanti Rubenstone M.D. | Dr. Corrine Wang, N.D.
Elijah Free MH, CMI, CMT
| Luca Moschini, ABT | Deborah Ardell Hill, CMT, CTT | Luca Moschini, ABT | Jane Hernandez, CCHT

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Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  -  Mountain View, CA 94040
Voice: 650-961-1660 Fax: 650-426-3935

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